A photo of a black heavy truck in front of autumn foliage, for marketing the 2018 Wowtrucks calendar

Trucking Calendars for 2018

Happy New Year! We’re five days into 2018, do you have an awesome truck-filled calendar on your wall, (or the back of your sleeper), yet? If not, here are four eleven of our favourite trucking calendars for 2018:

Jan 10 Update: There are six more calendars that were released or we found since publishing. This is fast becoming a Super Trucking Calendar Round-Up!

Shell ROTELLA SuperRigs

A promotional image for the 2018 Shell ROTELLA SuperRigs Calendar

Loaded with chrome, shine, and polish, the SuperRigs calendar is a classic, and the 2018 edition just became available.

Wowtrucks Calendar

A photo of a black heavy truck in front of autumn foliage, for marketing the 2018 Wowtrucks calendar

Canada’s own Wowtrucks calendar is full of wow-inspiring trucks. They’ve got multi-packs with other goodies thrown in too.

2018 True North: Women in Transport  Calendar

A marketing image for the 2018 True North: Women in Transport calendar.

Also from Wowtrucks, the True North: Women in Transport calendar looks like it’s already sold out, maybe they can be convinced to print some more.

2018 Truck-Eating Bridge Calendar

A promo image for the 2018 Truck-Eating Bridge calendar

That’s right, Davenport, Iowa’s (in)famous Truck-Eating bridge has its own calendar, and profits go to a literacy charity for local kids. You can order your copy here and hang it in the shop, truck, or wherever you need a reminder to pay attention to low bridge warnings!

Volvo Trucks 2018 Calendar

A promotional image for the Volvo Trucks 2018 calendar.

Volvo Trucks North America is offering their annual calendar. You can get yours at www.proforma.com/volvopublic.

Kenworth Twofer

The January page of Kenworth's 2018 Appointment Calendar.

Kenworth’s giving us not one, but two calendars in 2018. They have both a wall calendar and an appointment calendar available.

Mack 2018 Wall Calendar

A promotional image for the 2018 Mack Wall Calendar

Mack Trucks has a had a photo contest back in the springtime looking for real Mack drivers to put in their calendar. It looks like they combined winners from the contest with some product photos, (including the new Mack Anthem), for a good-looking calendar, available from the Mack Shop.

Peterbilt Twofer

A promo image for the 2018 Peterbilt Appointment Calendar.

Like Kenworth, Peterbilt has both an Appointment Calendar and a Wall Calendar this year, both available at www.dcgonline.net/peterbiltretail.

Midwest Peterbilt

The cover of Midwest Peterbilt's 2018 Working Trucks calendar.

It looks like it’s only available from the dealerships, but the Midwest Peterbilt has a calendar filled with working trucks. If you have to stop by one of the dealerships soon & like Petes, try asking about the calendar.


Are there more?

If you know of more Trucking calendars let us know @4RoadService on Twitter or on our Facebook page.